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Rotax Max: Zwei neue Weltmeister
Das 5. Rotax Weltfinale ist zu Ende! Der Südafrikaner Wesleigh Orr (RM1) und der Franzose Benjamin Salvatore (RM-J) sind die neuen Weltmeister. Österreich war mit Julian Murmann und Dominik Kraihammer vertreten. Pressetext in englischer Originalfassung.
Hannes XL Gsell
Canary Islands, Spain (Sportimage)South Africa Wesleigh Orr and Benjamin Salvatore of France, are the new Rotax Max Challenge champion in the RM1 and junior
The stands of the Gran Karting Circuit in Lanzarote were full with standing room only, all were present to watch the fifth final of the Rotax Max Challenge. During the prefinal race presented this morning, the Swiss driver Ken Allemann seemed determined to put a stop tothe South African dominition who had won the first four edition of this annual event. Allemann easily won the prefinal and garanted himself pole position for the final race. The start was critical abd this is exactly were Allemann lost the race with a bad start. The defending champion, Christiano Morgado and quickly built a small gap. He was able to keep the gap till the end without pressure from the rear to become the new Rotax Max Challenge Champion. Tristam Oman, from thew United Kingdom finished third to comple the podium. The top tree drivers aged 35 years old and over are Sam Ghalleb, from France, Jan Andreasen, From Denmark and Manolis Tyamariadakis from Greece.
In the junior final, one could saz that everything was played during the prefinal were the French driver Benjamin Salvatore starting from 2nd position won the race and obtained pole for the final race. The final race was just a formality for Salvatore who lead from the start to finish. "I know that the race looked easy but it wasn;t the case for me. As soon as I took the lead, I had to manage my race so as not push to hard at the beginning to keep my tires fresh. Also, I found the race quite long, notably because of the temperature and my nervousness" said the happy winner.
The two drivers just behind him, Earl Bamber and Adam Christodoulou, were never a serious threath to the champion. The real battle was for second place and it was finally British driver Christodoulou who took the advantage over Bamber from New-Zeland. During the podium ceremony the frist two drivers Salvatore and Christodoulou won a test drive in Formula BMW from the Red Bull development program. The test will take place next October in Estoril, Portugal. Salvatore was extremely happy to receive this prize "this is an incredible opportunity for my and I fully intend to me the most of it".
The fifth edition of the 2005 Rotax Max Challenge Grand Finals is sponsored by Rotax, Magura, Unior, CRG, Denso, Motorex, Mojo, Bridgestone, Gran Karting club and Korridas.
Final race results 1. Wesleigh Orr, S-A 2. Cristiano Morgado, S-A 3. Tristan Oman, U-K 4. David Bellchambers, U-K 5. Ken Allemann, Swi 6. David Blake, Ned 7. Johan Renaux, Fr 8. Omar Martin, Spain 9. Satrio Hermanto, Indonesia 10. Satosi Nakagawa, Jap 11. Jarrod Carlyle, N-Z 12. Juan Sanso, C-R 13. Cenel America, Ned 14. Claudio Galeone, It 15. David Vanrzkelen, Bel 16. Scott Campbell, Can 17. Antonio Fernandez, Spain 18. Marc Murraz, S-A 19. Jame Tumuly, Ir 20. Cameron Thorpe, Aus 21. Tiego Ribeiro, Por 22. Cristen Mueller, Ger 23. Michael Bergenswtahl, Swi 24. Jordan Musser, USA 25. Marc Doppelfeld, Zim 26. Sam Ghalleb, France 27. Marco Di Leo, Can 28. Justin Melton, USA 29. Thot Christian Ebbesvik, Nor 30. Arya Setyaki, Indonesia 31. Michael Johnson, USA 32. Jan Andreasen, Den
Final results - Juniors 1. Benjamin Salvatore, France 2. Adam Christodoulou, U-K 3. Earl Bamber, N-Z 4. Ralp Odendaal, S-A 5. Tim Megenbier, USA 6. Nicolas Deyutter, Bel 7. Michiel Beutels, Bel 8. Gaetan Loncle, Fr 9. Jordie Linstrom, Aus 10. Shafiq Ali, Malaisia 11. Tin Sritrai, Thailand 12. Marlon Stockinger, Phi 13. Nico Marvin, Spain 14. Shigehiro Noda, Japan 15. Hugo Ouellette, Can 16. Jose Lizaro, C-R 17. Kevin Poya, Spain 18. Christophe Boisclair, Can 19. Alexandre Mata, Por 20. Julian Murmann, Austria 21. Armaan Ebrahim, India 22. Gabrier Kocher, Cyprius 23. Zulfikar Fahmi, Indonesia 24. Luuk lansdorp, Ner 25. Rocco Aueri, It 26. Mike Herda, USA 27. Danindro Arionindito, Indonesia 28. Mads Langberg, Den 29. Ross Jamison, Singapour 30. Daniel Suarez Garza, Mex 31. Dominik Kraihammer, Austria 32. Dimitri Fratzeskakis, Greece |
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