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CANARY ISLANDS, 19.01.2005

5. Rotax World Finale 2005

Auf den Canarischen Inseln findet zur Zeit das 5. Rotax Welt Finale statt. Insgesamt 100 Fahrer aus 40 Nationen matchen sich um den Sieg. Bei den Senioren ist vor allem der Schweizer Ken Allemann Ton angebend. Pressetext in englischer Originalfassung.

Hannes XL Gsell

Canary Island, Spain (Sportimage): The Rotax Max Challenge world final has now started in Lanzarote, Canary Islands. A total of 100 drivers, 32 juniors and 68 seniors representing 40 countries are participating in the event that will crown the best driver in each of the 2 categories. The track as well as all of the installations are first class. The 1,281km track offer drivers a series of corners as well as a long straight away followed by 2 ultra fast corners. The organisation is very effecient.

South African drivers have won all of the four previous events. The 2003 winner, Christiano Morgado is here to defend his title. Last years junior champion, Omar Martin, is also present, but this year he will compete in the senior class. Amongst the drivers to watch there is the Swiss driver Ken Alleman who lost the European championship by only one point. Today he was the quickest driver in both of the free practice sessions. It was hard for me to accept loosing the European Championship title, I was so close. I fully intend to make up for it here, my motivation it at it´s maximum. The track is very nice but the asphalt is very bumpy in some places, which complicates things a bit. However, all of the drivers will have to deal with this situation, according to Alleman.

Contrary to previous years, the senior drivers are all driving identical karts, the Rotax RM1. Many of the drivers where driving this kart for the first time. In the junior class, they are using the Junior Max engine and chassis sponsored by CRG.

Today was dedicated to free practice only, but tomorrow will see 2 qualification sessions and a qualification heat spiele.

The fifth edition of the 2004 Rotax Max Challenge Grand finals is sponsored by Rotax, Magura, Unior, CRG, Denso, Motorex, Mojo, Gran karting club and Korridas malvorlagen.


Siance # 1
1. Adam Christodoulou, R-U. 50.77
2. Earl Bamber, N-Z 50.92
3. Alexandre Mata, Por 50.93
4. Benjamin Salvatore, Fr 50.95
5. Gaetan Loncle, Fr 50.08

Siance # 2
1. Luuk Glansdorp, P-B. 50.56
2. Adam Christodoulou, R-U 50.56
3. Benjamin Salvatore, Fr 50.78
4. Alexandre Mata, Por 50.95
5. Ralph Odendaal, Afr-Sud 50.99

Siance # 1
1. Ken Allemann, Sui 50.07
2. Tristam Oman, R-U 50.11
3. Christiano Morgado, Afr-Sud 50.38
4. Wesleigh Orr, Afr-Sud 50.46
5. Mark Murray, Afr-Sud 50.48

Siance # 2
1. Ken Allemann, Sui 49.91
2. Christiano Morgado, Afr-Sud 49.94
3. Arya Setyaki, Indonisie 50.20
4. Satio Harmanto, Indnisie 50.24
5. Johan Renaux, Fr 50.33

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